Brinsea útungunarvél f. 7 egg sjálfvirk
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39.423 ISKNumber: BRI-A016
Descriptionrinsea's Mini ADVANCE incubator is a fan assisted egg incubator holding up to 7 eggs which are turned automatically. Up to 12 smaller eggs (e.g. pheasant or quail) can be accommodated using the optional small egg disk. The combination of a simple yet accurate menu driven digital control, fan assistance and carefully directed airflow result in a machine which is deceptively sophisticated yet convenient and extremely easy to use. The digital display shows incubation temperature (in °C or °F), days remaining before hatch and turning status. The user can alter settings to control incubation temperature, temperature units, turning interval, turning angle, the number of days your eggs take to hatch from fresh and the high and low temperature alarm limits. If the number of days to hatch isn't known then the automatic turning can be controlled by the user and easily turned off when the first egg cracks. |
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